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来自于Symantec的基础架构软件将会帮助你提高Oracle RAC数据库的管理性,性能以及可用性。
作者: Brian.Schwarz  ◎ 发布时间: 2005-05-12
   良好的工程设计原理,建议设计整个系统共同配合工作,以取得预期的输出结果,如果你希望利用Oracle RAC 来提高你数据库系统的可用性,你应该确保系统体系中的其他部份同时具备高度的可用性。例如,应该考虑在系统中使用冗余的存储设备,防止当系统中唯一的存储设备发生故障时,导致整个数据库都不可用的问题.如果你考虑的是Oracle RAC 系统的可扩展性,那么相应的你需要确保系统体系中的其他部分也能够提供足够的可扩展性。


Symantec OpForce自动化服务器配给软件简介
作者: Symantec  ◎ 发布时间: 2005-05-12
   Symantec OpForce™服务器配给软件使您能够配给服务器和刀片服务器设备,为服务器、IP地址、网络环节创建共享资源池。为有效管理和自动化异构环境的资源配给,IT 管理者需要使用工具以简化建立、操作以及优化它们的服务器架构过程。Symantec OpForce 致力于解决多层环境中的IT 复杂性及挑战,业已得到广泛的验证。 文章综述了处于IT 管理和自动化挑战背景下的Symantec OpForce 软件,描述了IT 公司在面临管理成本和复杂性上的共同难处。之后文章将会探索OpForce 软件区别于其他的服务器资源配给软件的特征和功能。


作者: R.Ballough  ◎ 发布时间: 2005-04-15
   Symantec Storage Foundation for Oracle Real Application Clusters (SFRAC) provides an enabling clusterware on which to run Oracle RAC on AIX, as an alternative to HACMP or GPFS. This document is written in two parts; the first section covers the SFRAC requirements and provides an architectural overview of the Symantec SFRAC product. The second section is a quick install guide outlining the installation and setup of a two-node RAC cluster on AIX. The audience is assumed to be familiar with the basic components of clustering products, have a basic understanding of Oracle RAC, and be familiar with SAN-attached storage.


作者: Symantec  ◎ 发布时间: 2005-04-15
   Symantec Storage Checkpoint technology provides the administrator with the equivalent of an undo button. File corruption errors, such as a faulty patch to a binary file, are simply and speedily recovered by restoring the original file’s checkpointed contents. Storage Checkpoints also interact with Symantec Netbackup to offer disk-based backup functionality: Disk-based backup is a high-performance backup alternative increasingly popular as dollar-per-gigabyte costs of disk space continue to decline. This paper examines the business and technical advantages of Storage Checkpoints and documents best practices for effective storage checkpoint use. A detailed appendix includes real-world scripts developed by administrators to leverage the Storage Checkpoint functionality.


Symantec Database Editions 3.0.2 for Oracle
作者: Symantec  ◎ 发布时间: 2005-03-25
   This document details the high performance characteristics of Symantec Database Editions 3.0.2 for Oracle (DBE) in the 64- bit AIX 5.2 and Oracle 9iR2 operating environment based on the results of OLTP benchmark tests. Symantec Quick IO (QIO), Symantec Extension for Oracle Disk Manager (ODM), Symantec Volume Manager, (VxVM) Raw I/O, IBM JFS2 CIO and IBM LVM Raw I/O were the primary I/O configurations tested. Oracle 9iR2’s ODM is Oracle’s disk management feature designed to improve file management and maintain Raw I/O performance. Symantec Extension for Oracle Disk Manager interfaces into Oracle Disk Manager.


作者: Symantec  ◎ 发布时间: 2005-03-25
   Tracking a request for data as it navigates between an application server the source of the request and a storage subsystem the source of the data illustrates the complexity of performance management in a distributed computing environment. Each request for application data is deceptively simple; An application issues an SQL statement and is returned rows of data. But, because data access is the cornerstone of every business application, these requests can account for upwards of 80 percent of an application’s total response time. Getting to the bottom of application performance problems typically means going to the database.


作者: Symantec  ◎ 发布时间: 2005-03-25


Symantec Quick I/O
作者: Mohan.Bhyravabhotla Bob.Rader Vern.Wagman  ◎ 发布时间: 2005-03-25
   Symantec Quick I/O has been developed to combine the performance advantages of raw volumes with the maintenance advantages of a journaled file system. Studies conducted at the Large Systems Support Belmont data center showed performance benefits similar to raw volumes. The availability of the traditional UNIX file commands greatly improves the ability of the technical staff to manage the database files correctly and efficiently. Symantec Quick I/O deserves serious consideration for implementation in any data center running Oracle databases on UNIX.


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